Pier Luigi Nervi and his legacy

The most brilliant artist in reinforced concrete of our time
Nikolaus Pevsner, Architectural historian

The diffusion of reinforced concrete in the early years of the twentieth century opened new horizons in the art of building and architecture. Since the early beginnings of this new material, scientific and technical progress went hand in hand with a search for a new aesthetics.

Pier Luigi Nervi was one of its greatest interpreters, being at once designer, builder, researcher and creator of new construction methods. He was also professor and lecturer in universities around the world and author of books debating the conceptual and technological foundations of construction, with particular regard to concrete, for which he patented various recipes and application techniques.

His use of the most advanced technical solutions was always accompanied both by the pursuit of formal elegance, and by close attention to the technical and economic aspects of the building process. Sharing the cultures of engineers and architects, Nervi operated at the very intersection between structure and architecture, and art and science of building.

Nervi was a Builder, heavily involved during the construction phase of his buildings reflecting his practical and very “Hands-on” nature.

This “HANDS-ON” nature of Pier Luigi Nervi directly inspired the CONCRETO Learning by Doing approach.

To discover more on Pier Luigi Nervi: pierluiginervi.org